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Scientific Governance

We are continuously improving corporate governance structure and quality, abiding by business ethics, building trust with all stakeholders, in order to boost the Company's long-term value and aid in its sustainable development and operation


Stable Operation

We have established a professional, diversified and stable governance team, standardized scientific decision-making, improved risk management and control in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders

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    Governance Structure

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    Governance Operation Mechanism

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    Risk Management

Business Ethics

Adhering to the culture of "integrity and honesty, openness and fairness, reliability and compliance, incorruptibility and self-discipline", Luxshare continuously hones employees' awareness of fair competition and business ethics in order to build a clean and transparent business environment

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    Business Ethics Management

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    Whistleblower Protection

Information Security

As information security is the foundation for the Company’s survival and development, Luxshare continues to strengthen employees’ awareness of privacy protection through system improvement, risk management and security training, protecting the information of clients, employees and the Company

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    Management Mechanism and Measures

Fair Competition

Resolutely abiding by relevant laws and regulations, Luxshare prohibits acts that disrupt normal market order, helping create a fair and just business environment

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    Anti-unfair Competition

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    Intellectual Property Right Protection

Robust, Stable and Effective Governance Leads to Long-Term Value Creation for Stakeholders

Adhering to the principle of meritocracy and diversity, we fill Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Compensation and Performance Appraisal Committee, Nomination Committee and Strategy Committee with selected professionals, laying the foundation for scientific and effective governance

  • Nearly43%

    Proportion of female directors

  • Nearly43%

    Proportion of independent directors

Scientific Decision-making Empowers Effective Governance

In strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Company Law of People's Republic of China, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders, we ensure the effective operation of the Board of Directors and Committees, standardize the convening of general meetings of shareholders, treat all shareholders equally, and jointly make decisions on the Company's business strategies and investment plans

Compensation resolution procedures

Strictly abiding by the compensation determination procedure which follows the order of formulation, supervision and review, Luxshare finalizes and determines the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel through a step-by-step process by the Compensation and Performance Appraisal Committee, the Board of Directors and the General Meeting of Shareholders

Performance appraisal management

Advocating a value-oriented performance appraisal, Luxshare established a benefit- and risk-sharing mechanism among shareholders, management and core technology (business) staff, formulated a series of personal performance appraisal indicators taking into account sustainability-related performance to realize the Company's future development strategy and business objectives. Directors, supervisors and senior managers abide by the salary structure of "basic annual salary + long-term incentive", which effectively combines the interests of shareholders, the Company and the incentivised parties, and promotes the sustained, steady and rapid development of the Company

  • 8meetings

    8 meetings of Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors held in 2023

  • Attendance rate is 100%

    Meetings of Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors in 2023

Risk Management

Our internal control system is guided by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework, and has established three defense lines for risk management and internal control

The Company has set up an Audit Committee, directly led by one independent director, with an Internal Audit Department responsible for auditing the effectiveness and completeness of Company’s policies and standards, and the compliance of daily operations, so as to realize effective risk control

Luxshare Precision, taking into account the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders, formulated a business continuity management (BCM) system with the goal of "operational stability" in combination with the incident management plan (IMP) and the business continuity plan (BCP). We developed a Business Continuity Management Manual based on the ISO 22301 standard to ensure effective planning, implementation, and improvement of the BCM system

Building a Fair, Clean and Transparent Business Environment Requires Joint Efforts of All Participants

Luxshare has developed a series of rules and regulations, such as the Employee Handbook, the Global Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, the Employee Incorruptibility Management System and the Procurement Business Ethics Management System based on anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws and regulations, to guide and restrict the business conduct of employees and partners

A special taskforce has been set up under the Company’s Discipline Committee to independently discharge its oversight and management responsibilities, handle complaints and reports with respect to our employees or organizations involving violations of law and discipline, breaches of professional ethics, and acts that harm the interests of the Company. The Chairman directly leads the Discipline Committee, regularly hears reports and is answerable to the Board

  • 100%

    Employee anti-corruption training coverage

  • 100%

    Pass rate of COC examination

  • 0

    Number of corruption lawsuits involving the Company and employees

We Take Seriously All Feedback Constructive to the Company's Operation

We hope that employees and related parties always stay vigilant against potential violations and encourage supervision and voluntary reporting of violations, which can help us prevent and resolve business ethical risks in a timely manner

The Company understands whistleblowers’ concerns about reported issues and will not tolerate discrimination or retaliation against whistleblowers by anyone. Thus the Company has formulated the Reporting and Whistleblower Protection Regulations to protect the personal information and privacy of whistleblowers according to relevant laws

Reporting channels:

Mailing Address: No.313 Beihuan Road, Qingxi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China





Management Mechanism and Measures

Luxshare has established the Information Security Committee to actively promote the implementation and improvement of the information security management system, and formulated a sound information security management system and operational procedures. We also conduct internal and external audits to improve the implementation and quality of information security, and have obtained ISO27001 information security system certificate

  • 0

    Number of information leakage incidents

Anti-unfair Competition

Strictly abiding by local laws and regulations, The Company formulated the Code of Ethical Operating Procedures which forbids employees from illegal acts such as accessing competitors’ trade secrets or other confidential information illicitly; illegal hacking, theft, wiretapping, bribery, and publication of false or misleading advertisement; colluding with peers to fix prices and disrupt market order; etc

  • 0

    Number of anti-unfair competition, anti-trust and anti-monopoly related lawsuits

Intellectual Property Right Protection

We not only prioritize the protection of our own intellectual property rights, but also respect the intellectual property rights and interests of all parties, having developed internal management regulations such as the Intellectual Property Management Manual, the Intellectual Property Management and Control Procedure and the Procedures for Risk Management of Intellectual Property. Under the premise of non-infringement of the intellectual property rights of companies and individuals, we have enhanced our own intellectual property protection and adopted various measures to control potential risks of infringement of intellectual property, including market patent investigation, internal risk investigation and other means, so as to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company

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    Total Number of Patents in2023